Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Sinthyia Darkness Wants to Be Miami's First Goth Mayor

Sinthyia Darkness Wants to Be Miami's First Goth Mayor
By Kyle Munzenrieder in News
Monday, Apr. 13 2009 @ 11:34AM
via Sinthyia's Youtube
We wanted to find a better picture, but this one is quite paranormal and fitting, no?
Last week, a new candidate entered Miami's mayoral race on a platform of health-care reform and mosquito control. Riptide isn't sure if running on those issues alone will win a mayoral race, but they're pretty standard political fair. The lady behind the ideas, though, isn't your standard politician.

Coconut Grove resident Sinthyia R. Darkness is a paranormal activity expert, founder of the Miami Center for Paranormal Research, horror author, and now 2009 mayoral candidate, according to an announcement on her official website.

Considering talk show host Enrique Santos won 26 percent of the vote in the last mayoral race in the city, and frequent school board meeting audience member Helen Williams won 35 percent of the vote in the past race for county mayor, we're not sure if we should totally write her off just yet.

1 comment:

Not Goth said...

There seems to be a big misunderstanding about Rev. Sinthyia Darkness. She is not a "goth." Her name is Native American. It was the news media who labeled her as "goth" and used that to deflect from the truth that she was a Native American woman running for mayor of Miami. Before long, false reports were labeling her a "pagan goth girl running for mayor."