Thursday, March 27, 2008

In 2002, Murray was not allowed to continue his participation with Youth with a Mission after he played a song at the YWAM Christmas banquet from Mari

Police report reveals secret, dark life of church shooter
written by: Paula Woodward , 9Wants to Know Investigative Reporter
and: Jace Larson , Investigative Reporter
posted by: Sara Gandy , Web Producer

# YWAM Timeline
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KUSA - An Arvada Police report shows Matthew Murray's hidden life involved books on Satan, more than a half million computer images of pornography and downloads of school shootings.

The investigative report, released by Arvada Police on the murders of two people at Youth with a Mission last December, includes a timeline of killer Matthew Murray's activities between the shootings in Arvada and the shootings at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs.

It also includes statements from Murray's parents that he exhibited signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as a child. It also states that when he was a teenager and a member of Youth with a Mission, Murray claimed he was "bipolar" and openly talked about hearing "voices."

In 2002, Murray was not allowed to continue his participation with Youth with a Mission after he played a song at the YWAM Christmas banquet from Marilyn Manson. Manson is a well-known Goth singer. The staff of YWAM contacted Murray's parents and informed them of their decision.

Murray, according to the Arvada Police supplemental report, contacted another religious group, King's Kids. He also began "researching" other theologies including satanic organizations and occult groups.

His best friend was his father, according to the report, and they would often have theological discussions.

On December 7, 2007, Murray created the posting, "You Christians brought this on yourself." The posting was created on December 7, but Murray did not post it until Dec. 9 at 10:03 a.m. after he had shot and killed two people at the YWAM building in Arvada shortly after midnight on Dec. 9.

Murray was seen by his mother at their home at about 6 p.m. on Saturday, Dec. 8, just hours before the killings in Arvada. According to his mother, Murray was in good spirits. He told his mother he was going out with friends and not to fix him dinner.

According to cell phone records, Murray left Denver Saturday night and drove to Arvada. He arrived at about 10:30 p.m. Around midnight on Saturday, Dec. 8, Murray knocked on the door of the dorm room of YWAM, walked in saying he was a former member and was going to stay the night.

In the next 30 minutes, Murray was confronted by two members of YWAM in what is described as a "cordial" conversation and told he could not stay for the night or for a couple of hours while waiting for friends.

Murray was escorted to the end of the hall to the door. It was then that he turned and fired 15 rounds from a 9MM handgun. The shots hit four people, killing two and injuring two. The exterior door was closed and Murray was locked out, but he continued to bang on the door to try to get back inside.

Arvada Police received the first 911 call at 12:29 a.m. on Dec. 9. The first officer arrived on the scene one minute and four seconds later.

Murray had already run from the scene. He received phone calls from his father at 12:31 a.m. and 12:51 a.m. At 1:25 a.m., Murray spoke with his father for approximately two minutes by phone. He was out of breath and anxious and told his father he had been in an altercation in a restaurant.

He then drove home and was on his computer for 15 minutes beginning at approximately 3:30 a.m. His mother last saw him at about 9 a.m. That was about nine hours after the Arvada shootings and three hours before the Colorado Springs shootings. They talked while scraping snow off the windows of their cars. Murray seemed to be in "good spirits," according to his mother. His father was out of town.

Murrary started driving to the New Life Church in Colorado Springs at 10:19, Sunday morning, Dec. 9. During his drive, he spoke with his father by phone at around noon. His father had changed his airplane flight so he could come home and be with his son because of the "alleged altercation" at the restaurant the night before. Forty minutes later, after talking with his father, Murray killed two sisters at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs. He then took his own life after being shot by a security guard.

Murray was armed with more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition which he was either carrying or had inside his car. Murray did not leave a note as to why he killed the four people at YWAM in Arvada or New Life in Colorado Springs.

During the resulting investigation, Murray's computer revealed in excess of a half million images which consisted of adult pornography, child pornography and homosexual pornography. Murray had numerous computer downloads with information from school shootings at Columbine, Virginia Tech and the Platte Canyon school shooting. Police photos of his room show disarray and chaos with boxes, clothes and books stacked on top of each other. He had several books on witchcraft, Satan, Practical Homicide, and how to survive a tactical shooting. He spent more than $2,700 on ammunition and guns and charged it to his own credit card.

The report concludes Murray acted alone in both the shootings in Arvada and Colorado Springs. The report from Colorado Springs police on the shootings at the New Life Church in Colorado Springs was released on March 12.

(Copyright KUSA*TV, All Rights Reserved)

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