Sunday, December 23, 2007

Why Goths should Support Ron Paul

(even though it may mean registering as (shudder) a Republican to vote in the primaries.)

Why is it in your self interest to support Dr Ron Paul, a Republican, for President?
Reasons aplenty exist as to why we should support Ron Paul One of these is economic. At present, America is pursuing a path of economic suicide. Our dollar is plummeting, energy is the most expensive it's ever been, and our budget deficit is enormous. Americans spend more than they earn, have tapped out the equity in their homes, and now due to the subprime meltdown, may owe more than their homes are even worth.

Yet the status quo politicians continue to spend spend spend, on wars, on pork barrel projects, on elections. Our monetary policy is being dictated by an unconstitutional Federal Reserve who devalues our currency every time they lower interest rates.

We've been at war in Iraq now for 5 years. Over 3000 American soldiers have died, surpassing the U.S toll on 9-11; in a war based on lies. And now the administration is turning to Iran, despite evidence that Iran discontinued any Nuclear weapons program years ago! Haven't we read this book before?

No member of Congress or national politician has been more outspoken in opposition to the ever-expanding police state that has taken root in the United States over the past few decades than Ron Paul. The progressively escalating wars on drugs, crime, guns, gangs and terrorism have had the effect of establishing repression and incarceration as major growth industries, with these sectors being larger in the United States than in any other nation, including such supposed arch-tyrannies as Iran, China or Hugo Chavez's Venezuela. Recently, I came across an article in a business journal that casually and plausibly stated that one in four Americans are now employed in security work, rivaling the percentage of East Germans employed by the Stasi. It is surely a sign of the utterly degenerate and depraved nature of the present political class that such matters as the legalization of torture of suspects, coerced confessions, indefinite suspension of habeas corpus, whether or not "waterboarding" actually constitutes torture, detention without trial, secret tribunals and development of the legal framework for martial law are all considered just another matter of public policy debate in the same manner as traffic safety, tax policy, education or Social Security reform.

Some Americans may see the expansion of the police state as occasional nuisance, worth the inconvenience for added "security". That is, until for any myriad of events, they find themselves caught in the government's web. Rest assured the legitimation of such police state methodology will result in such tactics being used to fight not only the "war on terrorism" but the "war on drugs" as well. The waterboarding of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay will eventually bring about the use of such tactics in domestic American prisons. After all, it's just like swimming.
The suspension of habeas corpus and other basic procedural rights will eventually result in the elimination of such rights for drug suspects, those who run afoul of gun laws, petty criminals, proponents of alternative medicine, antiwar protesters, anti globalists, environmental and animal rights activists.
Ron Paul's program of constitutional, limited and decentralized government with respect for private property offers you and me the means of achieving the personal and collective freedom envisioned by our Founding Fathers. Who cares if your Christian fundamentalist neighbors don't like your sexual preferences or fashion sense so long as you can do what you want on your own property? So what if real estate or business associations don't like goth clubs or tattoo parlors so long as your property rights and freedom of association are respected? So the people in Kansas have a restrictive abortion law. And the people in Massachusetts have legal Gay Marriage. In both cases, the citizens of the state decided, not the Federal government! You decide!

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